Entrena en pareja: 6 cuentas de Instagram para motivarte

Por Carol Caro @karolglam | Domingo, 24 de Junio de 2018
Entrena en pareja: 6 cuentas de Instagram para motivarte

Si no tienes tiempo para entrenar ni tampoco mucho para ver a tu pareja, la mejor opción es realizar una actividad deportiva juntos. Esto los ayudará a trabajar su vínculo y mantenerse en forma.

Aquí te dejamos seis cuentas de Instagram que te ayudarán motivarte para llevar una vida saludable de a dos. ¡Toma nota!

1. Amanda & Jespe | @DREAMTEAM.FITNESS

Esta pareja vegetariana es de Estocolmo (Suecia) y demuestra su estilo de vida sana y deportivo. Ambos son fisiculturistas.


2. Jamie Hess y su familia | @NYCFITFAM

Esta pareja vive en Nueva York y tienen varias fotografías entrenando en lugares emblemáticos de la ciudad, uno de ellos es el Central Park. También comparten recetas saludables y de su vida familiar.

“Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.” Happy Monday people... what would happen today if you simply believed that you could do FREAKIN ANYTHING? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ __ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (By the way...you CAN!!) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ __ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Grateful I have the #NYCfitfam30 challenge to keep me accountable and pushing outside my comfort zone all June long. Yesterday for Day 3, George & I completed a 5-mile @nyrr race in Central Park. Today for Day 4, I’m hitting up @kirastokes to destroyyy my abs. 🔥🔥🔥 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ __ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Want to participate in the challenge? Post your workout pics & vids all June tagging @NYCfitfam and #NYCfitfam30 for a chance to win great prizes! First giveaway is June 10, everyone who has used the hashtag is entered to win - more posts, more chances!! Check out my stories RIGHT NOW to see the first prize pack. ⚡️⚡️⚡️ . . . . . #fitness #fitnesschallenge #fitspo #fitfam #igfit #fitlife #gym #workout #fitnessjourney #fitnessblogger #fitnessinfluencer #fitmom #fitchick #girlswholift #nycfitness #yoga #bootcamp #run #running #runner #marathon #halfmarathon #classpass #runhappy #swolemates #abs #ItalyRunNYC

Una publicación compartida por ⚡️ Jamie Hess & Family⚡️ (@nycfitfam) el 4 de Jun de 2018 a las 2:43 PDT

3. Theyogacouple | @THEYOGACOUPLE

Viven en la paradisiaca isla de Hawaii, son profesores de yoga y mindfulness. ¡Y por supuesto que practican surf!

There’s a road just below these coconut trees that traces the coast line. Lava rock frame the sea reminding us of the destruction which once took place here. The jungle is so lush and rich with life it’s hard to imagine the volcanic rivers of fire that have come before and will inevitably come again. I remember walking this narrow road alone just as the sun was reaching the sea. It was the first time I came to the island and I was completely mesmerized by the beauty of the land. A sense of deep peace filled my heart that day as I understood I was home. Later on I was picked up by car of locals who offered me a ride. There was no fear, just joy. I hopped in the back seat with the island girls who told me the stories of Kalapana and Uncle Roberts. I was beginning to learn what it meant to live aloha. Then there was Mathew, who took a leap of faith moving here with me as he had never visited before. The memory of his face stunned with awe and gratitude as he witnessed our new home for first time will forever burn in my heart. As lava now continues to flow over these roads I find myself experiencing a full spectrum of emotions from loss and sadness to gratitude and deep peace. This chapter and all chapters of our lives are perfectly in place. Staying only long enough to remind us of the impermanence of all things. Challenging us to live and to love fully AS we simultaneously let it all go. To never hold back an ounce of ourselves to the wonderful unfoldment of this ever changing-life. Yoga, like a compass, navigating me through my human experience has taught about the eternal balance. That to truly live is to love without hesitation, with a wide open heart. And to be free is to let go of everything without hesitation so only gratitude remains. Live fully. And let go. These two aspects of experience are like divine companions, who should never be separated because together they become one. Abhysa. Vairagya. I love you red road.

Una publicación compartida por Yoga For Our Inner Worlds (@theyogacouple) el 3 de Jun de 2018 a las 9:28 PDT


Son profesores de yoga y han recorrido el mundo con su disciplina.

Mama Nepal loves us so much, she doesn’t want to let us go!😊 After some 10 hours of driving through the Himalayas to the Indian border, we were asked to turn around. It turns out that our visa allows us to cross only by air, not by land.🤷🏻‍♀️ We asked for a crazy adventure, and the universe has definitely responded!🤣 So, one more day in Kathmandu before we fly to India. Reflecting on the last 10 years of our globe trotting adventures, it’s not the first time we had to come up with plan B on the spot. We’ve been on some 300+ flights, countless car, bus, boat and train rides, slept on just about any kind of bed you can imagine, and our passports have filled up with stamps three times over. We’ve experienced our fair share of brain farts, missed flights and difficult circumstances whilst traveling and here is what we have learned so far: 1) Let go of any expectations and attachments 2) Stay calm when s*#t hits the fan 3) Always look at the bright side 4) Remember it’s about the journey 5) Playing the baby card works like a charm 6) Sometimes a bribe is the only option 7) Oh yeah, and snacks can save your life . 📷 @drishti_videography

Una publicación compartida por Honza ૐClaudine Lafond (@yogabeyond) el 23 de May de 2018 a las 8:59 PDT

5. Brianne Theisen – Eaton | @WEAREEATON

Sigue los consejos de salud y los viajes fitness de la medallista de bronce olímpica, Brianne Theisen-Eaton acompañada por su novio.

6. Marta y Jorge | @2_BE__FIT

Esta pareja de españoles nos enseñan su estilo de vida saludable compartiendo sus recetas más ricas y saludables, combinadas con entrenamientos que podrás realizar en pareja.

💪🏻”Prefiero no hacer pesas ni máquinas porque no quiero ponerme “más grandota”, mejor hago cardio, que quema más”... . ¡Cuantas veces me habré topado con esta respuesta y cuantas veces lo habré pensado yo también en el pasado! . ¡Chicas, tenemos que perderle ese “miedo” o ese “respeto” a entrenar con peso! Porque, al contrario de lo que pensamos, se quema mucha más grasa que con el cardio, se fortalecen las articulaciones y los músculos y se notan los resultados mucho más rápidamente. Hace un tiempo que empecé a entrenar la fuerza y la verdad es que lo he notado muchísimo, mis brazos están más finos porque están más “tersos”, mis piernas están más “duras” y mi abdomen va cogiendo forma, lo que más me cuesta es el 🍑, pero tiempo al tiempo ;) Así que id probando a integrar ejercicios con peso en vuestra rutina y ya me contaréis si notáis los cambios ;) Eso si, siendo siempre constantes, cuidando lo que comemos y ¡sin obsesionarse! . . 🇺🇸Train like a Girl, don’t be afraid of liting weights! . . . #training #girl #fitnessgirl #fitnessmotivation #fitness #healthy #deporte

Una publicación compartida por 2beFIT (Jorge & Marta) (@2_be__fit) el 22 de May de 2018 a las 12:06 PDT

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